Bill Furbush
It's a common saying among those parenting young children (but I think applicable to life in general) that "the days are long but the years are short." You look up from your i-phone or whatever device you've been riveted to for decades and Surprise--it's your 45th high school reunion! Unlike many '71 classmates, I was not a Camp Hill lifer, having arrived halfway through eighth grade via Wichita, Pittsburgh, and Oklahoma City. It was culture shock & I had to immediately trade in the polka-dot shirts, brushed blue denims, and saddle shoes (!) for blue oxford button downs, gray slacks, and cordovan penny loafers. Among my new classmates--Jane Shafer, daughter of the governor--I was completely awed. Everyone seemed so welcoming to me as the new kid--a great start to what turned out to be a great HS experience, thanks to you all. Post CHHS, continued to wander, living in NC, MS, NJ, PA (again), FL, TX, and finally to Santa Rosa, CA in the Wine Country of Sonoma Cty, where we've lived since 2004 (pretty much heaven). I worked for Silicon Valley companies til 2002 when my company was acquired by mammoth German conglomerate Siemens. Retired from 9-5, moved to Calif and since have "worked" as a sports official for kids. I have been lucky in love--my wife Lori also retired from corporate life and became a yoga & qigong instructor who also leads "spirit tours" to destinations like Bhutan, China, Bali, & Peru. We have three kids and two grandchildren, living in Chicago and Austin, so we spend a bunch of time on airplanes. Look forward to catching up with many of my CHHS classmates next month.
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